Anchor Standard #1 Reading Information Text 5th Grade Lessons:
1. Model each anchor as we go using a shorter article:
Tween Tribune Article "Awesome! Astronaut Ready for Year in Space"
5.1 Quote accurately from a text when explaining what the text says explicitly and when drawing
inferences from the text
aka: Read this and tell me what it says and what can you infer / Say back what the text taught you so far
Text: Tween Tribune Article "Robot Replaces Girl at School"
2. Read text aloud with class
3. Ask the question, what has the text taught you so far?
Shared answers will be written by teacher on board
5.2 Determine two or more main ideas of text and explain how they are supported by key details
4. Teachers will guide students in determining which of the points listed on the board are considered main ideas and circle them. (Aim for 3 so groups can be formed later with a teacher in each group)
5. Pairs will choose a main idea and write it in the center of an Inkflow page and circle it.
6. Pairs will go back to the the text and find details to support the main idea and write them around it.
7. Main idea groups are formed and meet with a teacher to discuss the details supporting that idea.
5.3 Compare and contrast two or more characters, settings or events in a story or drama, drawing on
specific details in the text
1. Reread the article with a partner
2. Model sequencing with our article
3. Students will write sequenced points into a graphic organizer
4. Teacher adds points to overhead/ELMO
5. Students will determine each (4) characters' reaction to having the robot in the classroom by filling out a
specific graphic organizer
6. Discuss as teacher fills out organizer on overhead/ELMO
7. Students will determine cause and effect in the article...what happened and what was the result?
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