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Page history last edited by slemahieu@... 14 years, 1 month ago

Avatars are digital representations of people or characters to be used in the virtual world.


This site is great for creating a speaking avatar! Student can add their own voices or type text and choose an accent. Avatars are creating through dropping and dragging characteristics.  Finished products can be saved, emailed or uploaded to websites.



Create cartoon avatars by choosing faces, clothing, accessories, etc. Finished avatars can be printed, saved in Zwinktopia, or shared to websites. Super easy to use!


Face Your Manga

An easy-to-use site which allows users to create an avatar by choosing features, clothing, accessories, etc. and then sending the final product as an email.


Ultimate Flash-Face

Click on a wide variety of facial features to create what looks like a pencil drawing or police sketch.  Faces can be saved or printed.


Build Your Wild Self

Sponsored by New York Zoos and Aquariums, this site lets users click on human features and then choose animal features to finish off their creation. Very cute and easy to use. Finished avatars can be emailed.


Lego-ize Yourself

This site allows users to accessorize a lego character and then save the finished product on to another site.


Mr. Picassohead

A fun, easy to use site on which students can drop and drag to create a face. Can be saved or emailed when finished.


Avatarize Yourself

Users can upload an unsmiling, picture of themselves and become an avatar from the movie, Avatar.  Check out the avatar example of my son. (He's much cuter in human form)

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